Temporada 4
Futurama Temporada 4
Créditos y Reparto
{{ percentage }}%
{{ label }}
Opinión del público
Clasificación promedio: {{ average }}/5
Total de reseñas: {{ count }}
# | Rating | Título y descripción | Estreno |
1 |
Roswell That Ends Well A mishap involving a microwave oven and a supernova throws the Planet Express staff back in time to 1947 where Fry has a fateful encounter with his grandparents, Dr. Zoidberg meets Pres. ... |
2001-12-09 12:00:00 |
2 |
A Tale of Two Santas When Fry, Leela and Bender make a delivery to Neptune, they run afoul of the robot Santa Claus. Bender takes his place, but the previous Santa's fearsome reputation makes his job difficult. |
2001-12-23 12:00:00 |