Matt Smith
5ᵒ Temporada
Consenso de Críticos: No hay consenso dispnoble.
# | Rating | Título y Descripción | Estreno |
1 |
The Eleventh HourWith his TARDIS in ruins, the newly-regenerated Doctor with the help of Amy Pond must save the world in less than twenty minutes from galactic policemen known as the Atraxi. |
17 Apr, 2010 | |
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The Beast BelowThe Doctor takes Amy to the future inside Starship UK, which contains in addition to British explorers, an intimidating race known as the Smilers. |
10 Apr, 2010 | |
3 |
Victory of the DaleksThe TARDIS takes The Doctor and Amy to war-torn Britain in the middle of World War Two. Not only do they meet Winston Churchill himself, but the Doctor comes face to face once again with his greatest enemy of all. |
17 Apr, 2010 | |
4 |
The Time of AngelsThe Doctor and Amy emerge from the TARDIS to find the wreck of the Byzantium spaceship. Down below the Weeping Angels are stirring, but the Doctor has someone else to contend with; none other than the mysterious Professor River Song. |
24 Apr, 2010 | |
5 |
Flesh and StoneThe Doctor, Amy, Dr. Song and the remaining soldiers manage to escape from the crashed ship and into the forest. The Angels attempt to create a rift in time and space much as the Doctor had... |
01 May, 2010 | |
6 |
The Vampires of VeniceThe Doctor and Amy cross swords in more ways than one with a horde of blood-sucking vampires in 16th century Venice. |
08 May, 2010 | |
7 |
Amy's ChoiceFive years after finally leaving the TARDIS Amy and Rory now married, live in the quiet little village of Leadworth. But everything is not what it would seem. |
15 May, 2010 | |
8 |
The Hungry EarthThe Doctor tries to get everyone to Rio, but nothing quite goes as planned. They arrive in a small Welsh village where the Doctor immediately senses that the ground isn't quite right. There... |
22 May, 2010 | |
9 |
Cold BloodThe Doctor and Nasreen Chaudry go deep underground and find an ancient society that has been disturbed by the drilling. They are gassed and taken prisoner just as Amy manages to free ... |
29 May, 2010 | |
10 |
Vincent and the DoctorVisiting a museum, the Doctor and Amy are especially excited with the gallery for Vincent van Gogh. Many of van Gogh pieces are displayed, including "The Church at Auvers (1890)". However ... |
05 Jun, 2010 | |
11 |
The LodgerNo sooner does the TARDIS land on Earth that it leaves again - but without the Doctor who had just stepped outside. The Doctor soon finds himself at the home of Craig Owens, who has been ... |
10 Jul, 2010 | |
12 |
The Pandorica OpensRiver Song returns to deliver The Doctor a serious warning from his allies: the mythical Pandorica, said to contain the most feared creature in the entire Universe, is opening. |
17 Jul, 2010 | |
13 |
The Big BangThe Daleks, Cybermen and others have imprisoned in the Pandorica the most dangerous creature in the universe - the Doctor, who they say will in the future destroy the universe. Moving to ... |
26 Jun, 2010 |
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Para mí, la mejor temporada y Doctor de la serie.
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