Julia Louis-Dreyfus
2ᵒ Temporada
Consenso de Críticos: En la segunda temporada de Veep, la sátira se vuelve más aguda, las ideas son más profundas, el tono es más consistente, y el resultado es una comedia de peso inesperado.
# | Rating | Título y Descripción | Estreno |
1 |
MidtermsSeason Two Premiere. Fresh off successful campaign appearances for midterm elections, Selina sees an opportunity to expand her role, but must first curry favor with the president's icy ... |
14 Apr, 2013 | |
2 |
SignalsSelina attends a pig roast in North Carolina as part of the president's 'Listen to Rural America' initiative. Dan takes up Pilates to get face time. |
21 Apr, 2013 | |
3 |
HostagesAs a hostage crisis in Uzbekistan heats up, Selina and Secretary of Defense General Maddox have trouble getting on the same page at their joint appearance at the Marine Corps Base at ... |
28 Apr, 2013 | |
4 |
The Vic Allen DinnerSelina is rankled when the White House releases an unflattering photo of her. Mike and Kent bond over sailing; Jonah gets an executive parking space; Sue has a job interview. Selina takes ... |
05 May, 2013 | |
5 |
HelsinkiSelina and her staff head to Helsinki to finalize a trade agreement, but are worried whether Selina will be received warmly in Europe. Dan calls Mike for advice on charming the press and ... |
12 May, 2013 | |
6 |
AndrewAfter an allergic reaction shuts down her budget negotiation with Majority Leader Mary King, Selina moves the talks to Catherine's 21st birthday bash. Meanwhile, Amy and Gary fret over how ... |
19 May, 2013 | |
7 |
ShutdownWith D.C. in the midst of a government shutdown, Selina is forced to furlough some of her staff. A damaging story leaks about Selina's ex-husband Andrew; Danny Chung takes advantage of the ... |
02 Jun, 2013 | |
8 |
First ResponseAfter being prepped for a 'puff piece' interview at the VP residence, Selina is thrown by Janet Ryland's 'gotcha' questions. |
09 Jun, 2013 | |
9 |
RunningUndeterred by a message that POTUS wants Selina to limit her public appearances, the Veep continues her plans. Dan attempts to play both sides of the Selina/Danny Chung rivalry. |
16 Jun, 2013 | |
10 |
D.C.(Season Two Finale) With the administration in full crisis mode and Selina's future in doubt, the entire staff goes on frenzied job hunt. |
23 Jun, 2013 |
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