Henryk Baranowski
1ᵉʳ Temporada
Diez películas dramáticas para la televisión, cada una basada en uno de los diez mandamientos.
# | Rating | Título y Descripción | Estreno |
1 |
I Am the Lord Thy God"I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt have no other God but me." Ten-year-old Pawel and his father Krzysztof run their lives on their beloved home computer, while Pawel's aunt worries that his... |
10 Dec, 1989 | |
2 |
Dekalog, dwa"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain". An elderly doctor is approached by a woman with a complicated request. Her husband is gravely ill and may die, and she is ... |
11 May, 1990 | |
3 |
Dekalog, trzy"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy." Janusz is a taxi driver. It's Christmas Eve, and he honours the (Polish) traditions for this (holy) day: he gives presents to the members of his... |
18 May, 1990 | |
4 |
Decalogue Four: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother"Honour thy father and thy mother". Young Anka and her father have lived together since her mother's death, and have always been more like close friends than father and daughter. One day, ... |
25 May, 1990 | |
5 |
Decalogue Five: Thou Shalt Not Kill"Thou shalt not kill" - a shorter, slightly less graphic version of 'A Short Film About Killing', but the plot is essentially the same: murder followed by execution, two killings, one ... |
01 Jun, 1990 | |
6 |
Decalogue Six: Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery"Thou shalt not commit adultery" - a shorter, scaled-down version of 'A Short Film About Love', with a less complex plot and a different ending - though the basic narrative about the ... |
08 Jun, 1990 | |
7 |
Decalogue Seven: Thou Shalt Not Steal"Thou shalt not steal" - but in this case the 'theft' is of a child by her real mother, who then finds herself emotionally unable to cope with the responsibility, while the stable and ... |
15 Jun, 1990 | |
8 |
Decalogue Eight: Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour". A Polish-American researcher visits Warsaw and attends a lecture about ethics. Afterwards, she approaches Zofia, the lecturer, and... |
22 Jun, 1990 | |
9 |
Decalogue Nine: Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife". Roman, after discovering his impotence, urges his wife Hanka to take a lover. She reluctantly complies, and Roman, despite his earlier words, ... |
29 Jun, 1990 | |
10 |
Decalogue Ten: Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Goods"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's goods" - especially not when it leads to the conclusion of this black comedy about two brothers who inherit their father's valuable stamp collection ... |
24 Jun, 1989 |
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